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Health & Safety

Accountability Framework – Security And Hygiene

As teachers and children spend a substantial part of their day in school, it is essential to  keep the school environment including building, premises, entrance and surroundings that  comprise the broader term ‘Infrastructure’ safe and secure.

School safety guidelines and appropriate measures are the way more important to promote  a safe and assuring environment for every student. 

The below listed are the basic factors that Shiv Ashish School consider implementing  engagements to maintain regularly:

  • School conducts special awareness and capacity building programmes for heads, teachers, parents, students and teach educators to integrate pandemic challenges, concerns and actions into the other regular capacity building programmes.
  • It includes a comprehensive checklist of the essentialities of school safely, security and actions to be taken by the school.
  • Security guard all along the periphery to protect the entire school area. Guards are trained to allow the students to leave the campus only after school hours or with recognized guardians. Also not to allow any outsiders without prior permission.
  • Creating a safe environment for children, starting from the transportation from their homes and back.
  • Cyber Safety and Security along with the outer security, the school building and corridors strictly under surveillance cameras. CCTVs are well-functioning and constantly monitored by the safety cell.
  • The Class rooms are washed at periodic intervals, dusted regularly, periodic sanitation, daily cleaning and sweeping of the grounds and the classrooms, proper maintenance of washrooms to maintain the hygiene.
  • Wash rooms are available on each floor which are cleaned and maintained regularly.
  • Safe and adequate RO drinking water is available within the school premises. Safety/quality of water is checked on a regular basis by the concerned authority.
  • School have fire fighting systems on each floor to meet any emergency.
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